System Akredytacji na wydarzenia masowe

300 +

Events realized


Years of experience


Badges produced

20 +

Satisfied Clients

Comprehensive system for managing accredited people for mass events

ACCRED.EU to zespół posiadający wieloletnie doświadczenie w imprezach masowych. Jak dotąd obsługiwaliśmy konferencje, imprezy okolicznościowe, festiwale, koncerty i imprezy sportowe. Poznaj nasze realizacje. Na podstawie naszego wieloletniego doświadczenia i oczekiwań naszych klientów stworzyliśmy profesjonalny, autorski System, który spełnia najwyższe wymagania zarówno na poziomie personalizacji, bezpieczeństwa, obsługi, jak i samej grafiki identyfikatora.

Już na samym początku pracy w Biurze Akredytacji zauważyliśmy, że dane na wydarzenia zbierane są w formie indywidualnych list, powiązanych z firmą, grupą lub organizacją. Dlatego też System opiera się o bazę list osób akredytowanych na wydarzenie. Dodatkowo, w Systemie jest kilka typów list. Można do nich wyznaczyć moderatorów, odpowiedzialnych za ich uzupełnienie. Dzięki dywersyfikacji zadań proces zbierania danych jest dużo prostszy i sprawniejszy. Może być także prowadzony online nie tylko przed wydarzeniem, ale także w jego trakcie.

The System guides event Administrators through the process of creating a database of accredited people in an intuitive and user-friendly way. Below you can see what the whole process looks like.

Feel free to contact us with any questions.

Go to the Accred Events panel

Accreditation process through and through

Let's get to know each other

At the first stage, we care about getting to know the specifics of the event. Then we set up the event in the System and personalize the dashboard. We also determine the groups and additional features such as parkings or additional fields. The final point of this stage is to agree on the appearance and functionality of the badge.

Tour of the System

We begin the second stage by selecting event Administrators and training them on how to use the System - navigating through it, types of lists and accounts.

Let's stay in touch

Throughout the process, we continuously monitor and operate the database. You can rely on our support in creating lists and solving any difficulties. The most important part of this stage is to create a database of people accredited for the event.

Before the event

At this point, our work at the event site begins. We are setting up the Mobile Accreditation Centre and preparing for activities during the event. This is also the moment to put the final touches on the design and start producing badges.

It's time to start!

During the event, we handle production of badges and car passes on an ongoing basis. We maintain the database - making changes to access zones and adding new users, keeping in touch with the Organizers.

We are open to making new modifications so that our Accreditation System is even better suited to your event.

What does the panel look like?

More about lists


The database structure is built on the basis of user lists. Each list has a Creator and an Owner.

The Creator can fully edit it, manage users, create sub-lists and change its parameters, while the Owner is authorized to add and edit users according to the permissions granted by the Creator, and has the ability to create sub-lists.

For efficient working, the System is equipped with three types of lists:

  1. Own list:
    • efficient ordering the database and event lists
  2. Form:
    • automatic synchronization of data entered in the form with the list
    • option to post the form anywhere on the internet
    • useful especially when collecting data of volunteers or journalists
  3. Moderator:
    • most commonly used list type
    • ability to select a Moderator who gains access to enter and edit users
    • selection of specific fields that are available for input and editing for the Owner
  4. Sub-list:
    • section of the main list, is not a separate type of list
    • is used to create a form or indicate the person who has access to a specific part of the main list
    • optimizes data collection time from subcontractors and their subcontractors
    • each sub-list Owner can create his own sub-list and indicate the person who should complete the selected data
    • significantly speeds up data collection, especially in the final moments before the event begins

More about accounts


The System allows the user to be assigned an account type that gives him access to specific functions.

  1. Administrator - full access to the system, including:
    • access to all event lists
    • creating lists of any type with any permissions
    • assigning Moderators to lists
    • managing parking spaces and assigning the number of entry passes
    • insight into event statistics and print queue
  2. Moderator - access to specific lists and permissions assigned by the Administrator, including:
    • managing and adding users to moderated lists
    • adding registration numbers to parking lists
    • granting permissions to manage the list to another user
  3. User - access to edit their data, including:
    • uploading new photo
    • consenting to the processing of personal data
    • viewing account history
    • przeglądanie historii konta